Wednesday, July 22, 2015


I am pleased to announce a fairly decent little horror flick in Stoker. It had all the trappings of a good horror film, disturbing images and a slow build up but with a hint of sophistication and pretension by Nicole Kidman. The movie follows a mom and daughter (Mia Wasikowska - Why does she keep that big mole on her lip? Are they really beauty marks? I say no!!! Lose the moles people) who recently lost their husband/dad. Their uncle (Matthew Goode) comes to live with them and of course he has fishy tendencies. Matthew Goode while hot has a creepy voice and mannerisms. Although I found him very attractive in Leap Year, which stunk. Well I won't tell you what happens but it is quite disturbing, especially one scene that hits my mom key. Just a warning it is slightly boring so viewer beware.

On a personal note why can't real life be as interesting as a movie? I know everyone asks this but seriously people I just had to help my husband clean wax out of his ears. I ask, is this what life has come to?!? I wouldn't be able to handle living in a horror movie for too long and I would definitely be the first to die in anything involving running. But maybe a movie like the Burbs? How great would it be to have the Klopeks living next door? I mean all the dead people aside watching the grave digging would be better than digging for wax!

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