Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Change-Up

I know it has been a very long time since I posted but alas what can I say, "I'm very lazy".  No worries though I have been watching a plethora of crummy and non crummy movies.  I will try to blog several times in the next couple of days to discuss the crapola and gems of films I have watched.  So here we go.

In the spirit of going outside the horror movie box I watched The Change-Up with my darling hubby.  I had high expectations only because I love Justin Bateman but alas the movie stunk. It stunk big time!  It suffered from the tragic over cussing and grossness that characterizes most comedies these days.  Don't get me wrong I love a good fart joke as much as the next humorous person but I don't need to hear the "F" bomb every other word to be entertained.  I'm just your normal everyday girl that wants a good old fashioned bizarro or smartalec comedy.  I miss the days of Mel Brooks and the Golden Girls.  I know, not a movie put they deserved a shout out.  Sorry for my rant, back to this turd of a movie.

The premise is a Freaky Friday scenario but between a single jerk and a husband/dad jerk.  I had a hard time sympathizing with either character since they were both selfish, whiney idiots.  Single guy, "nobody loves me and my Dad thinks I'm a loser", FYI, you are a loser.  Married guy, "my life is so hard I have too much responsibility", FYI, who cares.   I pretty much summed up the entire movie for you and I am sure you can figure out what happens.  They both realize what they have and improve their lives, barf!  The only surprising part of the movie was the amount of nudity by Leslie Mann.  If you're going to get naked what a waste of movie to do it for.  At least pretend you're doing it for artsy fartsy purposes.  People ask me "why don't you watch mainstream comedies?"  My answer, "The Change-Up!"

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