Thursday, January 10, 2013

Camp Hell

Oh my goodness when I saw this coming on cable my heart skipped a beat.  The title alone got my blood pumping and then upon further investigation I discovered it stars Bruce Davison, of Coffin fame or maybe you remember him in X-Men, and wait for it ... Andrew McCarthy!  I have loved him ever since Mannequin and ofcourse the Academy Award winner Weekend at Bernies (just thinking about that movie makes me want to watch it again and maybe the 2nd one too).  But once I saw his name I was sold and I was only slightly disappointed.  It was pretty boring and Andrew wasn't in much of it but it had a nice creepy ending.

The premise is a demon terrorizing a Catholic Church Camp.  In my book you cant go wrong with a plot like that.  Why was a demon bothering these peeps you ask?  SINNING, SINNING, SINNING!!!  The priest kept warning the boys of the devil females and their cunning ways but the guys just couldn't help themselves.  It was the classic Garden of Eden story till the main kid gets caught in flagrante delicto (only 2 people will get that reference) with a girl.  Then the poo hits the fan.  He starts seeing a demon, blood flows everywhere, you can imagine the havoc.  I'll let you watch it for yourself so I won't ruin the ending.  But here is my spoiler alert it's 1 hour and 45 minutes but it felt like 3.

On a sidebar Jesse Eisenberg made a cameo in the movie.  He was a former camp goer gone insane by the demon.  I wonder how much he got paid for that or if he was doing it for a friend, it was made after Zombieland and the Social Network.

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