Monday, February 3, 2014

Bleeding House

Ok, it has been months since my last post but what can I say, I suck as a blogger. Fortunately I am a rock star at watching movies especially crummy ones so I have been faithful there. The worst I recently viewed was The Bleeding House. I had a hard time sitting through it but luckily for us I managed. Also, luckily for us I can rant about my mid life crisis I decided to start having this year. :) So hear it goes in no particular order.

The Bleeding House, what a low budget and bizarre movie. The premise is a stranded motorist (a weird, southern priest) asks to stay with a family fro the night. The family of course takes him in because there is no technology available in this day and age. My guess is they just thought it would be fun to be around a weird preacher (Patrick Breen). Whom I don't find attractive or scary whatsoever but I was surprised to see a six pack when he took his shirt off, just a side note for those interested. Well this poor psycho shows up at the wrong house. It is a tamed down American Gothic from 1988 if you ever saw that gem. Not much else to say about it except don't waste your time unless you enjoy crummy movies like me.

Now for the mid life crisis. I was driving down the road this morning looking at suburban house, after house, after house, after house, after house (well you get the picture) and tried to figure out how I got where I am. Don't get me wrong I love my family but I can't stand the burbs, unless I was in the neighborhood from the Burbs, then I might change my tune. I found myself wondering why I never moved to New York to meet Aiden Quinn and live in a tiny apartment while operating a film reel at a movie theater. So moving is out of the question since I am married to the complete opposite of that movie. So how to feel like a cosmopolitan lady (don't laugh, I can pretend to be a lady) while stuck in suburban hell?!? Maybe I should change my name. Any suggestions?

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